This game is awesome, Im a big dinosaur nerd and i love the improvement in graphics from the "Jurassic Park builder" to now, overall great game but I have some stuff to ask.
1. Please make it easier to get DNA if legendary dinos are going to cost 3,500 DNA please dont give me 40 DNA for completing a battle. Make a building or DNA production lab like the food. I honestly could care less how much it costs to activate said lab just as long as i could get DNA just a little easier.
2.My park is getting fairly large and a collect all coin button would be nice.
3.I know this is silly but please make a hybrid between a Pteranodon and a Shunosaurus, so we can have a giant winged beast. You know itd be cool.
4. Aquatic hybrids would be cool.
5. Add some insect dinosaurs like the giant mosquitos or spiders.
6. There is no number 6
7. Dont over do the final evolution stage, sometimes its just too much change for the dinosaur to even look cool anymore, for example the velociraptor.
8. This is a great game! Keep up the updates!
ReapersBane about Jurassic World™: The Game